Breaking Myths in Science

Fabiola Jovita Norambuena Vergara


Countries that have not been able to develop in the area of science do not worry about investing too much in the training of students who are interested in this area, since they know that monetarily there will be no significant retribution. This is very noticeable when the gap in the training of students from underdeveloped and developed countries is observed. And this is even worse at the local level, where schools that simply do not have the money to hire full-time teachers have an even worse level of education. Jovita relates this problem directly to the principle of equality in education (SDG 4: Education). Jovita organised a two day workshop with a talk about the latest Nobel prizes in physics, experiments and discussion sessions that explained to students the benefits of studying practical physical engineering. The workshop was attended by close to 20 students and 7 collaborators.

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