Bringing Ancestral Knowledge To Children

Camila Huecho


Camila Huecho, a Melton Fellow from Chile, addressed the issue of Mapuche culture's general absence in the Chilean narrative for children.  

Camila shares: "Mapuche narratives are generally forgotten or ignored in my community. In my city, there are very few schools teaching the Mapuche language or history, for instance. It is important, for every community in the world, to recognize their history, the people and the things that still form part of what you are and the context you live in."

She worked with The Epew Rüpü Foundation to make illustrated online storybooks: "We managed to release six illustrated Mapuche storybooks online, in three languages (Mapudungun, Spanish, and English), create connections with ancestral knowledge in our community, and also create a wide engaging community around our social media."

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