Climate change and Araucaria

Patricio Díaz Sandoval


Patricio Díaz Sandoval built his Act of Global Citizenship around climate change, primarily addressing the death of the araucaria, a thousand-year-old tree from southern America. The death of this tree species is directly related to the increase in temperature due to climate change, as well as to other factors such as forest fires, drought, deforestation and the commercialization of its seeds. 

Patricio worked with the girls in children's home of the "To Love" Foundation, to raise awareness and take action on this issue. He added, "I structured my global act in three steps

  1. INFORMATION: Contextualization phase through a brief talk about the relationship between the effects of climate change in Araucaria.
  2. SYNTHESIS: Reflection phase where the girls brainstormed what they can do to take care of the Araucaria and other trees.
  3. ACTION: Practical phase in which we carry out a workshop with recycled materials, such as pants and juice boxes. Creating cases, wallets, and gloves, in this way we put into practice what we have learned." 

The big problems are almost always multifactorial, and when this happens it is a good opportunity to contextualize the "action phase" to a problem that is related to the community, so in this way that will be significant learning, which also improves the participation of the community during the global act.  

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