Demonstration School for the Deaf Mampong

Zoe Tagboto


Deaf individuals worldwide are isolated due to the lack of ability to communicate and interact with the hearing community. Zoe did her bit to address this issue with her Act of Global Citizenship. Zoe shared, "I want to promote inclusivity and understanding between all people. I started by building a website for a local school, taught students in sign language and started fundraising for better infrastructure at the school. I took a group of 8 students with me to the school. We met up with 4 ICT teachers who we are assisting to build a website and student management system for the school. We are also taught 30 deaf students in class." Zoe used Ethnographic Research to familiarise herself with sign language. She added, "Ethnographic Research was helpful because it helped me go with no biases or preconceived notions. I went with a growth mindset to think about how I could assist with what was already being done. How could I add value or support the school to add value themselves. That was my goal. And I was motivated by the work the school did even with the resources they had. I continue to be motivated by them." The success of this project is evident by the relationship built with the school. Zoe shared, "I have also taken multiple trips back with Ashesi students to educate them about this community motivating more people to come to sign language classes. We have also started a fundraising team in order to meet some of the many needs of the school and are aiming to finish some of the numerous incomplete buildings."

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