Raising Young Leaders

Bitebo Gogo


As a sustainable social change practitioner and a global citizen, Bitebo Gogo is passionate about empowering young people to reach their full potential, use their influence for good and make a positive difference in the world. In this spirit, Bitebo held a leadership series followed by a session on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 16 young people at KIR Foundation Inclusive Community Centre, in Port-Harcourt in Nigeria. “Young people today, especially in Nigeria that has one of the highest youth populations, face significant challenges in creating a bright future for themselves. Many of the global challenges to development are particularly relevant to the youth. Creating awareness about the SDGs among young people is one of the ways that I can raise young leaders to use their influence for positive change.”

The objective of the activity was to support peer educators to further promote the SDGs and the role of young people in their circles. Bitebo used storytelling to give examples of outstanding young people that used their potential for good. She gave the participants tangible tips for how they can become changemakers and committed them to use their social media platform not only for recreational activities but to get informed and inform about global issues.

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