Sparking Discussions About Global Issues

Pranav Bijapur


Pranav Bijapur, a Melton Fellow from India, decided to make a difference by raising more awareness about globa issues, especially inequality. His Act of Global Citizenship took place in Bangalore (India), engaging young working professionals and centered around creating a framework which would encourage healthy discussion about global issues.

Pranav shares, "We were able to start a book club that is for discussions on books as well as big issues. We are planning a monthly meet up in and around Bangalore and expecting the number to hit 15 people next time. I found it surprising that so many people in my immediate friend circle enthusiastically agreed to the idea, and that some people even wanted to join by Skype for the first meet up. I'm excited that this is my first Act that sorts of doesn't end with the Act itself and I'm really looking forward to watching this grow."

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