Spreading the word and inspiring action

Zhentao Jiang


For many years the Melton Campus at Zhejiang University, China has worked on an education project to support children in Lishui, a small village in a rural area. Melton Fellow Jiang Zhentao loves this project and wanted more students at his university to learn about the activities they do with the children and inspire them to take similar actions.

He used the WeChat platform of Zhejiang University to tell his story with this education project. “While writing my article I was memorizing and reminiscing every moment of our time spent with those children, and I put my real emotions in my article. I believe my true passions for the children and for education really touched my audience.” After publishing the article, many students got in touch with him to see how they can contribute to the project. Zhentao hopes that they will join him in their next visit to Lishui.

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