Starting With Those Who Are Closest To You...

Henrika Amoafo


“I care about health and nature and how we are taking care of the earth. I care about people too and all of these things tie into what sustainability is all about” says Melton Fellow Henrika Amoafo. Recently she had watched quite a few health and sustainability documentaries that had impacted her in so many different ways and she wanted to engage others on sustainability, too. During the Global Citizenship Conference in Ghana she started to realize that it really is the smallest acts, decisions and choices we make that will eventually have a big ripple effect. Starting small is not less meaningful than starting a big movement. So she decided to start with her own family. Henrika convinced her family members to watch with her “Before the Flood” by Leonardo DiCaprio and to discuss it afterwards. “ I really do think that this is a step in the right direction and that impacting those closest to us in small ways is how to change the world --one issue at a time.“

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