Sustainable Menstruation

Vinita N Joshi


Waste management is a universal problem. Sustainable menstruation is even more difficult to talk about because of the taboo around the topic, which is again a global issue. In India, The result of unsustainable menstrual practices is visible in the plight of the waste collectors who have to deal with the sanitary waste. Also the large amounts of untreated waste that end up in garbage dumps and landfills. Vinita shared, "I am passionate about both sustainability and gender parity. This issue lies at the intersection of both of these topics. Some other students and I, We had a discussion rather than a session involving just one person speaking and the others listening. This made everyone present comfortable and hence able to express their views freely without fear of criticism. I want to raise awareness about this issue, since just one person making a change of such kind in their life is not enough to create as large an impact as involving the community will have."

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