What Helps Me To Stay Healthy?

Andrea Fuentes


Chile’s population is becoming more obese and the number of people affected by diseases related to unhealthy lifestyle is increasing. “How can I motivate myself and others for a healthier lifestyle?” was the question that motivated Melton Fellow and medical student Andy Fuentes for her Act of Global Citizenship.

With the support of other Melton Fellows, she selected brochures on healthy lifestyle and went with them to the Chef Gastronomic Festival in Temuco. Andy approached random visitors and engaged them in a conversation on healthy lifestyle. She used the brochures to reinforce her message. She talked to over 20 visitors. They thanked her for her time and the explanation. “Some of them said that they have never been told that their lifestyle can affect their health in such a great way.” Andy enjoyed answering specific questions on how they can prevent illnesses such as by improved eating habits and sport.

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