2nd Annual Global Citizenship Conference, August 2-9, 2013

The 2nd Annual Melton Foundation Global Citizenship Conference (GCC) will take place August 2-9, 2013, in Bangalore (India). The conference will bring together Melton Fellows with leading experts of global citizenship, from leading practitioners to academics to educators, to explore action paths for the global citizens in us. Plenary sessions and workshop tracks will alternate between skill development and hands-on activities to provide a rich learning environment. Fellows will look back and celebrate their achievements of the past year, and plan the next steps for themselves and the Melton Foundation (MF).

“We will also provide an open space for all Melton Fellows to offer any type of content session. This will allow all Fellows to share their passions, and gain experience as group facilitators,” says MF Learning Coordinator Markus Lang.

Junior Fellows will again have the opportunity to experience life in local families. The homestay will take place immediately after the GCC, from Aug.9 to Aug.12. Junior Fellows will reflect on their experience on Aug.12 before flying back to their home countries.

Lars Dietzel, MF Network & Interactivity Coordinator, explains the name change to Global Citizenship Conference: “The slight change from ‘Celebration’ to ‘Conference’ better reflects the real nature of the event, and helps Senior Fellows justify a leave of absence from their jobs. We continue to celebrate the achievements of the Fellows in their Project Teams, and the possibilities of Global Citizenship to bring positive change to the world. But we do this in a professional and enriching environment, and help Fellows develop their capabilities in ways that also support their professional development.”

Stay tuned for more details!

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