Community Organization and Grassroots Leadership Development: Juli Maier & Cristina Mardones

The workshop conducted by Julia and Cristina trained future leaders of Grand Boukan to create an inclusive space for the members of their community, where abilities, knowledge and roles are considered through discussion and self-assessment. Leaders have to inspire individuals to participate in decision-making process where different visions and viewpoints complement one another to create projects to improve the overall situation.

Only in a well-organized community can the wealth of diverse talents and skills overcome financial and resource scarcity. The fact that Julia and Cristina took part in the community’s daily life provided them with a deeper understanding of their culture, concerns, games, etc.

Back home they captured their experience in different articles on the Deep Dive blog and in local newspapers. Today, they are calling for action to raise awareness about unfair visa policies with the Bony Protest Song. They are in contact with participants of their workshop until today, providing support and guidance on-line.

Cristina Mardones is a psychology student at Universidad de la Frontera (Chile) and Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany). In Chile, she has been working with various communities in vulnerable contexts and in Germany she works in centers of immigrants and refugees.

Julia Maier feels strongly about intercultural communication and sustainability, which is why her university career comprises both areas. She has helped organize the TEDxJenaParadies and a career and empowerment workshop for migrant women in Berlin, among many other things.

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