Teaching with Impact - Teacher Training and Rural School Management: Johanna Stahl

The Haitian government does not run schools in remote areas like Grand Boukan and students usually have to walk long distances in order to attend school. So the community of Grand Boukan in cooperation with Noumenm set up their own school, the Bassin Thomas community school. However, the lack of funding hinders regular schooling, de-motivates teachers and puts the future of the school at risk.

Johanna’s workshop focused on seeking innovative ways of teaching without cost intensive materials and to help develop a strategic education and curriculum plan in order to increase the possibility to access public funding. After Haiti, Johanna reflected her experience in a blog post, conducted photo-evenings with friends, and gave an info talk at her work to raise awareness for the situation in Haiti and at the Bassin Thomas community school.

Johanna Stahl obtained her PhD studying the “own-race bias” in face recognition. She presently works as a research fellow at the Austrian Research and Support Centre for the Gifted and Talented (ÖZBF).

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