The Bony Song – Lyrics

Let’s raise our voices against the injustice of visa practices! Join us through the following steps:

  1. Film yourself dancing, playing and/or singing the song & tell your friends and film them dancing, playing and/or singing the song
  2. Upload it on youtube and share the link on or send the link or video to:
  3. If you want to help cutting the video, please contact:

The lyrics

My Bony is over the ocean
My Bony is trapped in Haiti
He was denied a transit visa
I wonder how could this be?

My Bony went through all the motions
My Bony should be here with me
He filled out the whole application
And paid the entire visa fee

I have an interesting notion
Times there are things you can’t see
Was Bony denied a transit visa
Because of his nationality?

My Bony has shown his devotion
To helping mankind in Haiti
He is a citizen of the world
Why isn’t my Bony with me?

My Bony is over the ocean
My Bony is trapped in Haiti
He was denied a transit visa
So will you stand up for Bony?

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