Ghana's Impressive Universities

Last week, in our first major step towards finding our new partner university in Sub-Saharan Africa, Melton Fellow Steffen Bethmann and I visited four universities in the West African country of Ghana. We visited the country's three largest public universities -- University of Ghana - Legon, in Accra, KNUST in the Kumasi, and University of Cape Coast. We also visited Ashesi University College, a growing and dynamic smaller private university near Accra. We were delighted with the interest we encountered in the Melton Foundation and the enthusiasm our hosts expressed over the prospect of Melton Fellows at their universities.

The lovely campus of the University of Ghana sprawls along a hill overlooking Accra. Known as Legon (its location), the University boats 40,000 students most of who live in a wide variety of dormitories on campus.

Ashesi University College is pioneering world-class university education centered on ethical leadership. Located in a beautiful rural setting an hour outside Accra, Ghana, the campus just broke ground on a new School of Engineering.

KNUST, Ghana’s traditional science and technology university is located in Kumasi, Ghana’s second-largest city and hub of the Ashanti people. We enjoyed substantive discussions with many of KNUST’s leadership.

University of Cape Coast overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. Originally Ghana’s lead teacher training institution, UCC has diversified into a number of disciplines and has a large distance-learning program.

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