Building Empathy From Easter Island to Jena

The Melton Foundation Project Mutual Building Evokes Empathy, Brings Cultures Closer

The Project Team Mutual Building just got back from the Easter Island, Chile, where they had the chance to get a deeper understanding of Rapa Nui culture through music, art, dance and... food!

The Project Team writes, "Rapa Nui is the name for what is known as Easter Island. The Rapa Nui are its inhabitants who actively live their culture which is rich in traditional dances, handicrafts, and typical food that one can find on the island and the ocean around. Their base is sustainability, their respect for the nature is admirable, and their connection with the environment is part of any of their daily life activity. People from Rapa Nui will be with us at the next Mutual Building encounter in Jena, Germany."

Check out the latest pictures on Facebook, and if you have experience in inter-cultural work and are interested in the Project, please contact them on their Facebook page.


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