You have mail. Really.

Collected from Facebook – thanks Kelli McLoud Schingen for the inspiration.

Melton Day has always been a special day in the Melton Foundation. It’s a day to come together around the world in celebration of our founder, Bill Melton’s birthday. This year, Melton Day also marked the start of an adventure of a different kind: A Postcard Adventure.

Postcards might seem like a relic from another era. But what happens when they form a puzzle? The Melton Foundation Postcard Adventure is a fun, snailmail initiative – with a modern twist. Six postcards, jam-packed with the finest pictures from the ‘good old times’, will come the way of Senior Fellows – yes, you know who you are! - from all over the world. The first postcard went out on Melton Day, and the second one is in on its way, as you read this.

And here is where old-fashioned meets modern times: Each postcard represents a piece of a larger puzzle that can be solved only by logging in to the Fellows’ Space online and unearthing hidden clues that lead to the full picture. When you log in, you’ll re-discover old friends and unveil the hidden gems that come with every postcard. Put the clues together and you could win a grand prize at the end of the adventure.

And if you haven’t received your postcard yet, there is only one way to change that: here!

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