Global Citizenship Education – We Are On It!

Melanie "Mel" Garrett training New Fellows at the New Fellows Orientation 2014.

Do you think that Global Citizenship Education should be a priority for future generations? We do too!

UN member states are develop a framework towards continuing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) beyond 2015. Civil society actors and other stakeholders from the education sector should ensure that the new development agenda encompasses an education that provides people with the understanding, skills and values they need in order to cooperate and resolve the interconnected challenges of the 21st century.

Melton Fellow and Melton Foundation Board Member Melanie Miller Garrett is one of 100 selected educators and education experts from around the world to participate in the Conference on Global Citizenship Education (24-25 June in Brussels, Belgium), where she will help

  • develop a Global Citizenship Education Target for the successor program to the current MDGs.
  • advocate the inclusion of Global Citizenship Education in the new Framework towards UN and members states.

Follow the140-characters-or-less summary of Mel’s journey with #LeadingByLove and tune into the conversation at the conference with #edu4GC.

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