MF Partners With Indiegogo
The Melton Foundation is pleased to announce a partnership with Indiegogo for its future crowd funding campaigns. You can view the MF Indiegogo page here.
Indiegogo has distinguished itself as an organization devoted to social good causes, and as such, will offer unique and vital support to MF Fellows while they are running a crowd funding campaign. Indiegogo offers a wealth of support to campaigners, including a dedicated Customer Happiness Team who are available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, to answer any and all questions when running a campaign.
Indiegogo will be the official crowd funding platform for all MF sponsored activities that are seeking support through crowd funding, including Fellows' projects.
In addition, Indiegogo will be at the 2014 GCC! They will be teaching a crowd funding workshop that will cover the basics and provide expert tips about how to run a successful campaign. Stay tuned for details.
MF Fellow Cristina Mardones is currently running an Indiegogo campaign to support her project, Mutual Building.
Any Fellows interested in running a crowd funding campaign for an MF project can contact Micah Trippe at for help in getting started!
The MF looks forward to future success with Indiegogo in the exciting new world of crowd funding, and to empowering our Fellows in this essentail skill set as they seek to promote global citizenship.
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