Melton Foundation Welcomes Ashesi University College

“We can bring change in one generation. How we train our leaders will make all the difference.” --Ashesi founder Patrick Awuah, World Innovation Summit for Education 

The Melton Foundation, one of the world’s leading proponents of global citizenship, is thrilled to announce the addition of their first partner campus in Africa, Ashesi University College. Located in a town among the hills and farms outside of Accra, Ghana’s capital, the addition of Ashesi University College is a pivotal move for the Melton Foundation.

With a liberal arts curriculum focused on critical thinking and a mission to educate a new generation of ethical, entrepreneurial leaders in Africa, this new partnership mirrors and complements the Melton Foundation’s portfolio of work promoting global citizenship.

“As the Executive Director of the Melton Foundation, I led our long search for the perfect partner university in Africa and found a place that embodies all the best traits and values of an undergraduate institution. This was made all the more special by the university’s emphasis in a rare competency: while so few institutions dare to qualify leadership beyond a buzzword, Ashesi’s mission aims to instill ethical leadership.” --Winthrop Carty, Executive Director of the Melton Foundation.

Under the dual concepts of global citizenship and ethical leadership, the two organizations will join forces to develop and support leaders who recognize the connections between seemingly disparate global concerns to tackle today’s challenges - whether in Ghana or elsewhere in the world. 

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