There is Only One Thing We Can’t Do: Nothing!

​”You knew all the effects of climate change and you did nothing?”

If we do nothing, this is the question newer generations will ask, and that’s not what we want.

At the Climate Reality Leadership Corps training in Delhi, India, four Melton Fellows had the opportunity to exchange ideas for solving the climate crisis. 450 people from 26 countries were trained as climate leaders, meeting with activists and advocates from different fields. Gaurav, Parithosh, Marleen and Neli spoke to teachers, NGO activists, entrepreneurs, political experts and those from the agricultural field. All participants shared one key interest: the need to contribute to solutions to the climate crisis.

We have reached a point where we simply can't ignore the effects of climate change. And that’s why we need well-informed leaders that can lead by example. During the training, the fellows learned from Nobel Laureate Al Gore on topics such as how to present the effects of climate change and spread awareness about this reality. One of the most inspiring speakers was Bankerjit Roy, the founder of Barefoot College an NGO that supports rural communities in becoming self-sufficient and sustainable by providing basic services such as the delivery of clean water or solar electrification. By empowering women and showing them how to install and repair solar panels, the Barefoot College has a huge impact in areas where electricity it is not the norm.

During discussions with other participants, the fellows came up with many ideas for the year 2015. One significant goal is to support Melton Fellows in China in organizing a sustainable Global Citizenship Conference (GCC) -- ideas included starting an afforestation day at the GCC, only using public transportation while attending the GCC, and using recyclable paper for all materials.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Climate Push project team!

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