Temuco for All: Biking for Change

A family cycling event that took place in Temuco on 3 May was a huge success. The activity, which is part of the campaign “Temuco para todos” (Temuco for all), was organized by the Melton Foundation's Lifestyle project team (campus UFRO) and supported by the Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO) and the City of Temuco, gathered nearly 300 persons that attended with their families and rode their bikes through the city's streets, calling attention to the benefits of alternative transportation modes.

"We’re supporting this initiative to promote a healthy lifestyle, so people can leave their cars at home and use their bikes as an economical and clean transportation option," said professor Carolina Aedo, Lifestyle project team member.

The main idea was to create a space for bikers and to generate a sense of community and tolerance between drivers of different kinds of vehicles that share the streets -- to allow the expression of different users of these common spaces creating understanding and respect between them.

The Lifestyle Project Team promotes healthy living and outdoor activities that foster global citizenship. The campaign "Temuco Para Todos" was created as a part of the Melton Foundation's 100 Acts of Global Citizenship

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