The little things make all the difference: Training of trainers on climate change

Still hard to find: a service station to charge e-cars Juli Maier (left) with SCI organizer Hanna Treu on the alternative city tour on renewable energy"One little thing can’t make a difference? Then try to fall asleep with a mosquito in your room!"

Climate change is in our hands, and each of us – even with the smallest actions – can make a difference. Nevertheless, it is often hard to engage people to become active and to contribute to the solution by reducing their emissions. Last week, the Melton Foundation gave me the opportunity to participate at a training of trainers on climate change, gaining new insights on the topic and learning different methods to raise awareness and encourage others. The training was hosted by SCI (Service Civil International), an international youth organization dedicated to peace and welfare.

We were 19 participants from 11 different countries, committed to the cause of climate change, brought together for one week in a youth center in Berlin. The group’s diversity was simply amazing, and so was the strong connection between the group members. We discussed controversal topics on sustainability and exchanged ideas, projects and materials. Each participant has done great work in her/his community, with very different approaches.

The program of the training was designed in an interactive manner. Through playful methods, we deepened our understanding of climate change. In this way, we were able to experience the method and learn how to use it. One section of the program dealt specifically with how to plan a workshop or group activity.

There were also three field trips: we took two alternative city tours through Berlin. The focus of the first one was on renewable energy, and the focus of the second one was on critical consumption. At the third field trip, we explored a biodynamic farm and helped tilling the fields. In return, we received a delicious locally produced meal. There was something special about the food at the conference. Almost all groceries came from „FoodSharing“, an organization that cooperates with grocery stores to legally use food which otherwise would be thrown away.

The final piece of the training was the elaboration of an own workshop on climate change, applying the input for follow-up projects in our communities. After one week of intensive input, it became easy to combine what we learned with our own ideas and to design our own training. I designed my workshop for the Melton Foundation, and I am excited that I’ll soon get to share it with our fellows. So stay tuned! 

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