The Zero Waste Challenge is back!

The Zero Waste Challenge is back! Last year in November, Melton Fellow Juli Maier challenged fellows Marleen Haupt, Eva Junge and Neli Blum to live one month without producing waste, as part of her Act of Global Citizenship. “It was a great learning experience with a significant impact,” Juli says.

This year, they challenge you!

Join the Zero Waste Challenge this November in four easy steps:

- 1st week: Awareness “What?”

- 2nd week: Take Action “How?”

- 3rd week: Zero Waste “Go for it!”

- 4th week: Make it your routine for a sustainable lifestyle!

Each week comes with a task – a simple and fun way to reduce your garbage! Everyone can join the tasks and you can choose from three different options: Greenhorn, Sustainability Champion and/or Zero Waste Hero.  Please share your experience with the hashtag #ZeroWasteChallenge on Facebook, Twitter, or in the comment function below.


Week 1: Awareness

The first week of the Zero Waste Challenge starts with awareness. The task will help you to reflect on your own consumption behavior and waste production.

Ready? Here is your task for this week:

Option 1 - Greenhorn: Choose one day of this week. On that day write down all items of non-biodegradable waste you have produced throughout this day. Everytime you throw away something or use something of single use or open a package... write it down!

Option 2 - Sustainability Champion: Choose one day of this week. On that day you can't throw away any items of non-biodegradable waste. Any package, or single use-item, must be kept close to your body for the whole day. Not challenging enough? Extend it to several days!

Option 3 - Zero Waste Hero: Go zero waste!

And remember: It's always more fun to share with everyone! Take a picture of your garbage, share your waste-list, or simply share your experience after taking this challenge by using #ZeroWasteChallenge on social media.


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