Call for SFs & TTs: Participate in the GCC 2017!

Embrace diversity, nourish collaborations, forge solutions - Akwaaba #GhanaGCC2017!

Welcome to our 2017 Global Citizenship Conference (GCC)! We are gathering at Ashesi University College from August 13 - 19, 2017 to help answer one big question: What is the role of a Global Citizen in a world that is in flux?

We are thrilled to extend a special invitation to our Senior Fellows and Task Team members across the globe to participate in this year’s GCC!

There will be ample opportunity for you to participate. And for those who may require financial support, we offer up to 15 grants for Senior Fellows and Task Team members who want to bring their enthusiasm, stories and expertise to the conference.

CLICK HERE for details and/or to apply for a MF grant!

(Note: application deadline is 11 May; MF grants are available only to members of the Melton Foundation)

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