Gender Equality

The Project Team wants to promote gender equality by addressing the issues of health,sexual education, gender norms sensitization and harassment. To better understand the current scenario in their social and cultural circles, they first conducted a general opinion survey in their respective local communities. Using the results of the survey, they identified the core topics that they want to focus on and worked on a series of basic activities and workshop ideas. They are currently working towards developing a Gender Equality Toolbox that can be adapted to different audiences and also campuses. A pilot for toolbox and the associated workshops was conducted successfully in Gujrat, India by one of the members of the team for an audience of 20 women. The lessons learnt from this pilot will be used to improve the toolbox further and for varied audiences including employees of multi-national companies. 

By the GCC 2016, they want to have tested their tool box locally, received feedback followed by an internal reflection and finally establish a Gender Equality Toolbox that can be used by fellows to increase awareness and take action against several social taboos and stereotypes. They also plan to conduct this workshop in Chile for fellows as well as non-MF audience members.


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