
At the 2017 Global Citizenship Conference, Junior Fellows formed five Project Teams in which they will work together to develop shared solutions for pressing issues. This is one of the teams.

The initial question of this Project Team was: How can we raise awareness of how people experience power dynamics that play out between the colonized and the colonizers in todays world? A big and powerful question that gives a lot to chew on. The team with members from China, Ghana, India and Germany explored every detail of Post-Colonialism. They interviewed experienced Melton Fellows and local experts on the issue, did extensive reading and become aware of hidden post-colonial structures. Now they are working on a format to make their insights accessible by maeans of a video.

If you're interested to get engaged and support the work of the team, get in touch with any of the Project Team members or their mentors Andree, Bhaskhar or Nickhil.

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