
At the 2017 Global Citizenship Conference, Junior Fellows formed five Project Teams in which they will work together to develop shared solutions for pressing issues. This is one of the teams.

The Storytelling Project Team team is working to connect stories from different parts of the globe in a meaningful way. Each team member loves to create stories and know that storytelling is a powerful tool to inspire fellow humans. They started their project searching for sources of topics and inspiration to identify what stories to tell and how to tell them. Each of the team members has identified a topic that resonates most with them and they are looking forward to create short videos to tell the stories that inspire students to go abroad, demystify Aids and HIV testing, tackle homelessness, challenge our concept of love, confront ourselves with own prejudices, or open a window into the LGBTQI community. May the storytelling begin ...

If you're interested to get engaged and support the work of the team, get in touch with any of the Project Team members or their mentor Oscar.

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