Global Selection Team: Open call for members

A great opportunity to contribute to the future of the Melton Foundation!

Every year, the Global Selection Team (GST) -- with help from Campus coordinators and Lead Fellows -- recruits the new batch of Melton Fellows.

We're looking for Fellows from ZU and FSU who would like to join the team and be GST members.

Fellows interested in recruitment, HR, assessment, psychology, etc. will be an ideal fit. Past experience in these areas is welcome but not mandatory.

GST members are involved with different aspects of recruitment spread over a 6-month period (October 2015 to April 2016). The workload is minimal in the initial months, with a monthly meeting at most. During the interview period (March-April 2016), the workload can go up to 15 hours a month. The post is voluntary and we recommend Fellows to consider a two-year term in the GST.

To join the team, please send a short letter of motivation including information about your experience in the field no later than 4 October 2015 to Hari Ravikumar or Patricia Ortiz.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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