Global Voices 2014

A global citizen is a person who is aware of the problems that she/he sees around herself/himself, and is led by this awareness to take action about those problems. While in many cases an indivdiual probably will not be able to fix the problem, s/he can be part of the solution by letting other people know what’s happening in the world, especially when broadcasting the message from those that are often not heard. We believe that sharing our awareness of the problems around us, and thus, in turn, raising awareness is an integral part of being a global citizen. That’s what Global Voices and this project is all about.

Read the latest stories from different corners of the globe that the 2014 Global Voices team members have published:

Melton Fellows have partnered with Global Voices mentors before to publish stories from marginalized and misrepresented communities around the globe. You can read the articles from the first cycle of the Global Voices Project Team here.

About the Project

Melton Fellows have paired up with a mentor from Global Voices and train in its writing style. The team has chosen "Inequality and discrimination" as framework topic. Over the course of the next months, they have set the goal to write and publish at least three articles for Global Voices about noteworthy topics related to the framework topic.

What is Global Voices?

Global Voices is a community of bloggers and translators from all over the world that work together to bring information from social media, emphasizing those that are not usually heard by traditional media.

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