
Overview of the GCC 2015

Follow the 2015 GCC And 100 Acts On Social Media with the Hashtags #MFGCC2015 And #100Acts Respectively.

100 Acts of Global Citizenship

100 Acts is our bold, innovative program that allows you to design and do small, achievable and tangible acts of Global Citizenship - in your workplace, neighborhood or anywhere you choose! Learn how you can get involved with #100Acts.

Springboard Sessions

Launched in 2013, Springboard Sessions are the Melton Foundation's signature event bringing leaders from around the globe to share intimate stories from their lives and work, get your thoughts on today's global challenges through polls and interaction, and invite you to join them in their journeys, or start your own! Learn more about Springboard Sessions.

Workshops & Trainings

At the GCC, we offer three types of trainings: Issue, Skills, and 100 Acts Workshops. Learn more about our Workshops and Trainings.

Field Trips

Through a smart choice of Field Trips, you can explore how local solutions take on global challenges while experiencing life in Hangzhou, China. Find out all about our Field Trips here.


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