Joseph Sebarenzi

Joseph Sebarenzi

Dr. Joseph Sebarenzi has a master’s degree in International Management and a Ph.D. in International Law, teaches human rights and conflict resolution at the School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Institute in the United States, and serves on the Board of Directors of Karuna Center for Peacebuilding.

Born in Rwanda, Sebarenzi's parents and seven brothers and sisters were killed in the 1994 genocide -- yet he has been a vocal advocate of forgiveness and reconciliation, including during his tenure as President of Rwanda's Parliament from 1997 - 2000. His book, God Sleeps in Rwanda: A Journey of Transformation (2009), has been praised for its account of the dynamics of interethnic violence in Rwanda and its insights into forgiveness and reconciliation.

Dr. Sebarenzi has been a motivational speaker in U.S. and Canada since 2004 and is a frequent speaker on the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) and the Voice of America (VOA).

God Sleeps in Rwanda: A Journey of Transformation

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