Workshop Tracks

Our 100 Acts Workshops will equip you to define your Act of Global Citizenship: from start to finish.

One possible side-effect: you may be inspired to develop long-term projects, working in teams with Fellows around the world.

Following the Springboard Sessions you will join a small group of 15-20 participants in Workshop Tracks that dive deeper into specific global challenges, tools that organizations are using to tackle these challenges and brainstorm how to forge specific solutions to the challenges. 
Workshops will cover the following topics:

But, this is not a passive conference.

Our educational approach is based entirely in experiential learning. So every workshop is designed so that you apply what you learn in an immediate and tangible way within the workshop itself. “Interactivity” and “hands-on” are not mere catch phrases; they’re our lifeblood. As part of each workshop, you’ll brainstorm and design your own Act of Global Citizenship that you can implement in two hours, two days, or even two months. Your Act can be on the issue that the workshop is about, or on whatever global issue you care about. It’s up to you.

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